Neinstein Personal Injury Lawyers

Ottawa traffic fatalities hit seven-year high

Ontario car accident lawyers are concerned about rise in Ottawa fatalities

Ontario car accident lawyers have been so preoccupied with vulnerable road user deaths in Toronto that another major road safety story has flown under the radar: traffic fatalities in Ottawa increased 23 per cent in 2017 to reach a seven-year high.

The nation’s capital reported 32 traffic-related deaths last year, up from 26 in 2016 and the most since 38 people died in 2010. Twenty-four of the 32 deaths were drivers or passengers in automobiles, five were pedestrians, and three were motorcyclists. The city recorded no cycling fatalities in 2017.

The Ottawa Police Service has not identified a definitive cause for the increase but believe distracted driving and an influx of new vehicles were contributors. They have stated that road safety is a priority.

“Every few years, when we have a public survey, road safety is always one of the top concerns from the public, so we want to make sure that we’re participating and addressing those concerns as best we can through enforcement, through collaborating with our safety partners and just improve the safety on the roads in Ottawa,” Staff Sgt. Frank D’Aoust told Global News.

The city has embarked on a number of road safety initiatives, including increased enforcement of existing impaired and distracted driving rules, identifying problematic intersections, and working with the engineering unit to build solutions. D’Aoust also told Global that motorists must accept responsibility.

“Drivers have to start paying attention to what they’re doing,” he said. “It’s going to take some enforcement… it’s going to take time for people to just get used to not having their phone on their lap … not having to communicate during that short time they’re commuting.”

D’Aoust also offered some common-sense advice with which Ontario car accident lawyers are sure to agree: put the phone away; watch for pedestrians, cyclists, and other vulnerable road users; never speed or drive impaired; and use extra caution during rush hour.

Ottawa’s latest traffic fatality statistics show that road safety is a province-wide issue, not something unique to Toronto. As our cities grow and become more densely populated, law enforcement and city planners must find new ways to protect residents.

If you or someone you know has been injured in a serious traffic accident, contact the Ontario car accident lawyers at Neinstein Personal Injury Lawyers to arrange a free, no-obligation consultation. Our team is proud to offer representation to seriously injured accident victims across Ontario, from Toronto to Ottawa.


Image credit: Wladyslaw/Wikimedia Commons