Brain injuries are a global health issue and a major concern to personal injury lawyers in Ontario. Approximately 10 million people suffer brain injuries each year, including at least 2 million in the United States and as many as 100,000 in Canada. Brain injuries come in all shapes and sizes, from minor concussions to major traumas. While a brain injury lawyer can help individuals with clearly defined traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) pursue civil claims, smaller injuries present challenges.
On February 19, the Associated Press reported that for the first time a diagnostic blood test for TBIs had been approved by the U.S. government. A number of research and development teams are currently studying blood-based tests, which could revolutionize the way large and small brain injuries are diagnosed.
According to the Associated Press, the test works by detecting two proteins in brain cells that tend to enter the bloodstream following a head injury. It is designed to be administered quickly; the proteins, which indicate internal bleeding and other serious afflictions, can be detected up to 12 hours after the injury. Patients who test positive will require a subsequent CT scan to confirm the diagnosis and determine treatment strategies.
The blood test, which was developed by Banyan Biomarkers, doesn’t detect concussions and is unlikely to change the way brain injury victims are currently diagnosed and treated. But its approval will open the door for further innovation and accelerate the maturation of the technology. The hope is that a simple blood test will soon be able to identify concussions and provide insight on treatment options. From a brain injury lawyer’s perspective, quick and accurate diagnoses could make it easier to determine the extent of clients’ injuries and estimate how the injuries could affect clients’ lives.
As Dr. Walter Koroshetz, director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes, made clear to the Associated Press, Banyan Biomarkers’ newly approved test should be treated as a starting point for further development.
“This may be the beginning. It’s not the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow,” he said.
If you or a member of your family has suffered a head injury in an accident, contact Neinstein Personal Injury Lawyers today to arrange a consultation with an experienced brain injury lawyer. Our team can assess the validity of your claim and offer advice on how to proceed. If you choose to retain us, Neinstein will do everything in our power to ensure that you are fairly compensated for your injury.
Image credit: Phillip Jeffrey/Flickr